Because sleep is something we should be talking about.
I’m Elizabeth. A hardworking, professional mom who spent an unexpectedly large portion of my brain and bandwidth learning the ins and outs of baby sleep techniques during my son’s first year.
Meet Ethan, my sweet little guy. Ethan began sleeping through the night at 4.5 months; we exclusively breastfed until 10 months. I maintain that if I knew what I know now, he would have been sleeping through at an even younger age.
What I’ve learned in this process is that there are truly so many resources, techniques, and effective strategies out there. What is also true is that there are very few places to find a wide overview and candid discussion of the tips, strategic techniques, and both free and paid resources that exist and how they might work for different family circumstances.
On top of that, there is a tremendous amount of taboo and guilt around the topic of baby sleep, how you do or don’t achieve it, and what kind of parent that makes you.
Enter the Baby Sleep Podcast. My goal is to create a community where you - expecting and current parents and caregivers - can hear about issues, dynamics, and viewpoints just like yours. From families who have achieved the holy grail of sleeping through the night to those that are still problem-solving and persevering, this podcast is a place to tell those stories and make the baby sleep journey a lot less lonely.
I’m so glad you’re here.